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  • Charles Walker posted an update 2 years, 5 months ago

    The coursework must be clearly structured. Requires the completion of the title page, which should be as informative as possible. Obligatory elements – plan, introduction, theoretical chapter, practical chapter, conclusion. In addition, you need a list of references and, if necessary, appendices.

    Structural elements are titled, and the bestessaysservices.com title is aligned to the center. Subsections and sections cannot be named the same way. The font used for the entire work is Times New Roman, type size 14, single spacing. Margins are 2 cm top and bottom, 1.5 cm left and 3 cm right.

    References to other sources and citations are made out with footnotes. It is appropriate that they were not more than 2-3 per page. And they are not just indicated, and automatically transferred to the sources. That is, there should not be a reference to the original source, which is not in the bibliography list. And vice versa, you can not specify the literature in the list at the end of the work just for the number, without references in the text itself.