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  • Alfredo Campbell posted an update 2 years, 9 months ago

    Preparing for the First Day

    You’ve heard the expression; you never get a second chance to make a first impression.As https://courseworkwriting.help/argumentative-essay-help/ immediately makes a positive impression, so everyone in the new place should like it. Why is that? The first impression is a lasting impression.

    1) What do I wear? Business-appropriate dress. What does this mean? Well, each industry has dress standards depending upon its culture. For example, business formal is required for the finance industry, but not necessarily for the art industry. Sometimes, dress can vary from department to department within an organization depending upon its function. I recommend you call the office where you will be working to ask about dress standards for employees. If you go in for an in-person interview, pay attention to what people in the office are wearing. And when in doubt, always error on the side of conservative.

    2) What do I bring? A padfolio and pen. Keep track of everyone you meet. Keeping a record of your experiences will be extremely helpful when you are updating your resume and preparing for future interviews. Also, bring important documents necessary to complete human resources paperwork such as tax information (you will need two forms of identification), insurance, and direct deposit information.

    3) What can I expect? Typically, your first day will be filled with tours, introductions, completing paperwork, and a meeting with your supervisor. Remember, when you are introduced to someone, address each person using his/her surname or last name unless that person tells you to use his/her first name. Always address your superiors by their last names. Take cues on how to act in the office from your supervisor. All eyes will be on you…you are the young professional. They are expecting you to make a mistake. Surprise them act as if this is not your first job. Meeting with your supervisor is the perfect opportunity to ask questions for clarity about your duties, culture, and expectations.

    Make a positive lasting impression on your first day!