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  • jhonflick posted an update 2 years, 8 months ago

    Om symbol 
    Are you familiar with the significance of the Om symbol, if not follow Yogi Times? Within the yoga and Hindu traditions, the holy syllable Om (or Aum), also symbolized by the Om sign (), is one of the oldest and most well recognized bija (seed) mantras.
    Om’s wisdom and meaning, as well as its sound, have spiritual importance in Indian religious and spiritual traditions such as Buddhism and Jainism, particularly om chanting.
    In the Buddhist chant Om Mani Padme Hum, for example, the holy Om symbol has a significant significance.
    If you’ve ever attended a yoga session, you’ve probably heard of the holy word Om and seen the Om symbol connected with it.
    Chanting Om may be included in the lesson or as part of the closure, depending on the instructor. Om chanting may be done in a group setting or alone.
    What is the complete meaning and definition of Om?
    How may the hallowed phrase Om and the knowledge it contains be appropriately honored? How does the Om sign express its spiritual meaning, and how do you recite this universal sound properly?
    Is it possible to translate the meaning of the Om sign into English?
    Not exactly — the significance of the om symbol is enormous, and it’s difficult to describe in a typical explanation. Does chanting Om have any effect on you or your religion?
    You or your religion can only be changed if you make a conscious decision to alter your beliefs.
    Many religions use the music of the cosmos to evoke the divine, and Om is one of them.
    To better comprehend the meaning of this hallowed word, let us clarify some of the misconceptions and misunderstandings surrounding Om or Aum’s definition.
    The holy word OM has a long and illustrious history.
    The sound of the cosmos is Om. The vibratory sound of the power underlying all creation emanates from Brahman, the absolute and ultimate reality, according to Hindu scripture.
    It was sensed by the rishis, Hindu sages, who grasped the primal essence of the cosmos inside one word while they pondered.
    Chanting Om evokes the highest soul or supreme reality, as well as the music of creation inside the cosmos.
    It encourages people to encounter and embody spiritual understanding.
    Om refers to Atman (soul, self within) and Brahman as a bija or seed mantra (the entirety of the universe, the ultimate reality, and cosmic knowledge).
    The Om sign meaning is a syllable that is the sound of the cosmos and links one with the divine, the most high, and the wellspring of all creation, according to a simplified spiritual interpretation.
    The Upanishads are the earliest written work to mention this syllable.
    The many elements of the Om sign,, depict reality in various stages.
    The waking state (jgrat) is represented by the huge bottom curve, the unconscious state (sushupti) by the top curve, and the dream state by the middle curve (swapna).
    The emblem of enlightenment (turiy) is included inside the dot.
    Maya, the illusion that binds us to the material world and separates the lower, higher, and middle curves from the dot of enlightenment, is represented by the crescent.
    By transcending material awareness, one may achieve enlightenment.
    Depending on the spiritual or religious tradition, the Om symbol’s written form may differ somewhat.
    The Aum sign appears differently in Indian, Tibetan, and Balinese cultures, yet they all communicate profound spiritual meaning and insight.