Milan Dosic posted an update 2 years, 10 months ago
IMPORTANT INFORMATION for the delicious salad:
Νο.1: Strawberries are extremely rich in vitamin C.
Νο.2: Strawberries promote the elimination of toxins from the body (and for this reason are recommended for detoxification from alcohol).
Νο.3: Spinach contains a large amount of iron.
Νο.4: Poppy seed promotes the good heart operation.
Νο.5: Poppy seed is a fair source of calcium.
Νο.6: The pure virgin olive oil is an ideal source of Omega 3 good fatty acids and the best choice for a fatty substance In foods.
Νο.7: The olive oil and the olives are foods rich in antioxidants and anti-inflammation compounds.
Νο.8: Strawberries fight serious diseases as diabetes, early aging, cancer as well as cardiovascular diseases.
Νο.9: Avocado is a fruit exceptionally nutritional and rich in beneficial Omega 3 and good fatty acids.
Νο.10: Avocado is a superfood helping on the regulation of sugar levels in the blood and provides beneficial anti-inflammatory compounds to organism.NOTE: A portion of this delicious salad provides energy of about 350-400 calories! In case you wish to end your meal you may use 2 wholegrain rusks!
similar interesting posts in https://www.sfgate.com/market/article/RAD-140-Testolone-SARM-Alternatives-16846209.php
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