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  • asdfaas112 posted an update 3 years, 2 months ago

    "Cold-Casting" is a term used to describe the process of mixing metal powder with a resin and applying the mixture into a mold. The finished casting gives the appearance and weight of solid metal. The metal cold-cast process is faster and much less expensive when compared with foundry casting of molten metal.

    Easy To Use

    Metal powder is mixed into Colormatch® resin until the mixture is thick and creamy. The mixture is then "slush-cast" or brushed onto the mold surface until the resin cures. The gel coat is then back-filled with straight resin, resin mixed with metal powder, resin mixed with steel weights or rigid foam.


    The mesh size of this Aluminium Powder is -200 vs. the -300 mesh for the other metal powders and gives a better cold cast effect compared with other mesh size powders that we tested. Polished castings are brighter vs. castings made using nickel/silver powder, which has more of an antique metal look.