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  • Andrew Lebitz posted an update 3 years, 2 months ago

    Bodybuilding – stops the aging?
    None could say something similar and none and nothing can stop it.
    The only thing that can or may be done is to minimize its impact on the body, our mental condition and our organism.

    Many people find that physical activity is not possible for the third age. As well as several other things…

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    A huge mistake. It is possible and desirable as well.

    According to scientific research, systematic and relatively intense physical activity can produce favorable results for older people.

    They even argue that vigorous physical activity can significantly enhance the fight against the biological process of aging.

    Certainly physical exercise – when done in the right way – is a great “weapon” against aging, illness, and body and spirit degeneration.

    It has been repeated many times from our articles and from scientists as well that people who have been living for years a sedentary life tend to have many health problems.

    Even younger people may develop abnormal signs of premature aging due to a lack of physical activity in life