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  • Tom Taylor posted an update 3 years, 7 months ago

    Types of Essay IELTS.

    The structure of the IELTS essay does not change, whatever the question. But from the type of Essa IELTS depends on how you build your entry and how to divide information into paragraphs.

    Opinion Essay.
    Opinion Essay implies an expression of its point of view. You can fully agree with a certain statement (How to Write a Thesis Statement), partially or express full disagreement.


    Method 1. The candidate fully agrees or completely disagrees

    In this case, each argument in support of your point of view must be devoted to the paragraph. In such a type of essay, you specify your opinion in joining and output.

    Method 2. The candidate partially agrees or partially disagree
    When choosing a balanced approach, you should not only describe the problem from two sides (one paragraph – points for, and the second – items against), but also indicate what position you are closer. At the same time, it is desirable to start with the idea that you are less close, and the second paragraph to devote to the one you hold. You must indicate your position in three places: in joining, in the withdrawal and Topic Santhence of the second paragraph.


    In joining the author expresses his opinion, starting with the words in My Opinion. In the first paragraph, he indicates less close position for him, and in the second one to which more is inclined. At the same time, it brings consistent and convincing Argumentative Essay Topics in support of its opinion with the introductory structures on the One Hand, on the Other Hand. In the output, the author uses the introductory turnover in Conclusion and summarizes its opinion using the phrase I am Still Convinced That.