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  • Tressurge posted an update 3 years, 11 months ago

    Tressurge works to promote healthy hair, though it does not guarantee a significant amount of hair growth. With glycerin, hair becomes shiny and grows fast. Glycerin works well even if your hair is frizzy, thick, or curly. It also conditions so that hair breakage will be prevented.This ingredient is also referred to as horsetail extract. This extract has been used in recent years as an important part of hair care as it is known to prevent hair loss. The oil extracted from this plant also contains silica, which is beneficial for accelerating the process of hair growth. It also does a good job in eliminating dandruff.Click Here https://apnews.com/press-release/kisspr/lifestyle-business-marketing-and-advertising-corporate-news-north-america-32c3f263a21cc4b989c4a97215cd6a30